In Memory Of My Dad
A poem by Leah Hendrie
If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told
Of a kind and loving father
Who had a heart of gold.
I could write a million pages
But still be unable to say just how
Much I love and miss him
Every single day.
I will remember all he taught me.
I'm hurt but won't be sad,
Because he'll send me down the answers,
And he'll always be my dad
3rd October 2019
Thank you for setting up this memorial to John.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by Saint Francis Hospice, Essex on 12/10/2014
I am I and you are you, whatever we were to each other that we still are.
Speak to me in the easy way which you always used.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
Life means all that it ever meant, it is the same as it ever was.
Extract from a poem by Henry Scott Holland